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Learn how to use and integrate SFTP/FTP with your apps & business workflows.


SFTP put Command

The "put" command is one of the most commonly used commands in SFTP. This command allows a user to upload a file from the local machine (client) to a remote server.


SFTP mkdir

lmkdir stands for "Make Directory". As the name suggests, it is used to create a new directory on the SFTP server.


SFTP lmkdir Command

lmkdir stands for "Local Make Directory". As the name suggests, it is used to create a new directory on the local machine.


SFTP LLS Command

The 'lls' command, an acronym for 'local list', is an integral SFTP command that lets you view the directory list for your local machine, all from within the SFTP environment.


SFTP lcd Command

The 'lcd' command, short for 'local change directory', is a commonly used SFTP command that allows you to change the current directory on your local machine from within the SFTP environment.


Google Cloud Storage Best Practices

Google Cloud Storage (GCS) is an essential aspect of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which is renowned for its ability to provide scalable, flexible, and reliable data storage