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SFTP quit command

One crucial aspect to understand while operating within an SFTP session is the proper way to exit the session, which is where the 'quit' command comes in. This article will provide a comprehensive understanding of the SFTP quit command.

Understanding the SFTP quit command

Much like the 'exit' command, the SFTP quit command is used to safely close an SFTP session. It ensures that all ongoing operations are completed, and the session is properly terminated before disconnecting from the SFTP server. Here's a straightforward example of its use:
sftp> quit
Upon executing this command, you will be immediately logged out of the current SFTP session and returned to your local system's command-line prompt.

SFTP quit command in Batch Mode

The 'quit' command is also beneficial when running SFTP in batch mode. Batch mode allows for automating SFTP operations via a script. Including the 'quit' command at the end of your script in this mode ensures the SFTP session is properly closed once the script finishes executing. Here's an example of an SFTP batch script:
echo "put local_file.txt" > sftp_batch_file.txt
echo "quit" >> sftp_batch_file.txt
sftp -b sftp_batch_file.txt user@host
In this script, a local file is uploaded to the SFTP server, and then the 'quit' command is used to end the session.


The quit command is a fundamental part of managing SFTP sessions. Its primary function is to safely terminate the session, thus avoiding potential data loss, corruption, and unnecessary resource usage. Whether you're interacting with SFTP manually or automating operations using batch mode, always remember to use the quit command to close your session​.