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SFTP exit command

Secure File Transfer Protocol, commonly known as SFTP, is a standard protocol that enables the transfer of files over a secure network. It is a part of the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol family and provides secure file access, transfer, and management capabilities. While operating within an SFTP session, one important aspect to understand is how to safely and correctly exit the session, which is where the 'exit' command comes in. This article will provide a comprehensive understanding of the SFTP 'exit' command.

Understanding the SFTP 'Exit' Command

The SFTP exit command, much like the quit or bye command, is used to safely close an SFTP session. It ensures that all pending operations are finished, and the session is properly terminated before disconnecting from the SFTP server. Here's a simple example of its use:
sftp> exit
On executing this command, you will be immediately logged out of the current SFTP session and returned to your local system's command-line prompt. It's important to note that while 'quit' and 'bye' can be used interchangeably with 'exit', 'exit' is generally the preferred command because of its universal acceptance across various shell environments.

The Importance of Properly Exiting an SFTP Session

One might wonder, why not just close the terminal or abruptly end the SFTP session? While this might seem like the quicker option, it is not recommended for several reasons. Firstly, an abrupt termination may not allow ongoing transfers or operations to complete, potentially leading to data loss or corruption. Secondly, it does not notify the SFTP server of the session end, which can lead to unnecessary resource consumption on the server side. Finally, it can also lead to security risks, as some configurations might keep the session alive and potentially vulnerable.

How to Use the 'Exit' Command

The 'exit' command is straightforward to use. After you have completed your file transfers or other operations, type 'exit' at the SFTP command prompt, and press Enter. You will be logged out of the SFTP session and returned to your local command-line prompt. Here's an example of an SFTP session being properly closed:
sftp> get remote_file.txt
Fetching /remote_path/remote_file.txt to remote_file.txt
/remote_path/remote_file.txt                                                                                                                               100%   25KB  30.0KB/s   00:00    
sftp> exit
In this example, after successfully fetching a file, the 'exit' command is used to close the SFTP session.

Exit Command in Batch Mode

The 'exit' command is also useful when running SFTP in batch mode. Batch mode allows you to automate SFTP operations via a script. In this mode, including the 'exit' command at the end of your script ensures the SFTP session is properly closed once the script finishes executing. Here's an example of an SFTP batch script:
echo "put local_file.txt" > sftp_batch_file.txt
echo "exit" >> sftp_batch_file.txt
sftp -b sftp_batch_file.txt user@host
In this script, a local file is uploaded to the SFTP server, and then the 'exit' command is used to end the session.


The 'exit' command is an essential part of managing SFTP sessions. Its primary function is to safely terminate the session, avoiding potential data loss, corruption, and unnecessary resource usage. Whether you're interacting with SFTP manually or automating operations using batch mode, remember to use the 'exit' command to close your session.