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FTP MPUT: Uploading Multiple Files

In the world of file transfer, efficiency is key. When you need to upload multiple files to a remote server, using the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) mput command can save you significant time and effort. This article will walk you through everything you need to know about using the mput command effectively, from basic usage to advanced techniques with wildcards and automation options.

What is the MPUT Command?

The mput (multiple put) command is a powerful feature in FTP that allows you to upload multiple files from your local directory to a remote server in a single operation. Instead of transferring files one by one, you can select and send multiple files at once, streamlining your workflow.

Basic Syntax of the MPUT Command

The basic syntax for the mput command is:
mput [filename(s)]
Within an active FTP session, you would typically: 1. Connect to the FTP server 2. Navigate to the destination directory on the server 3. Execute the mput command with your desired files

Simple Examples of Using MPUT

Uploading All Files of a Specific File Extension One of the most common uses of mput is to upload all files with a particular file extension:
mput *.txt
This command will transfer all .txt files from your current local directory to the server. Uploading Files with Similar Names You can also use the mput command to upload files that share a naming pattern:
mput report_*
This will send all files that begin with "report_" to the server.

Working with Wildcard Characters

The mput command becomes particularly powerful when combined with wildcard characters. Here are the most commonly used wildcards: - Asterisk (*) : Matches any number of characters - Question mark (?) : Matches any single character Examples with Wildcards 1. Upload all files that start with "data" and have any extension:
mput data.*
2. Upload files with names like file1.txt, file2.txt, etc.:
mput file?.txt
3. Upload all image files (assuming they have common extensions):
mput .jpg .png *.gif

Managing the Prompt Command

By default, the mput command will prompt you for confirmation before transferring each file. To toggle this behavior, use the prompt command:

mput *.doc
Executing the prompt command once will turn off confirmations, executing it again will turn them back on. This is particularly useful when transferring a large number of files.

Handling Files with Spaces or Special Characters

When working with files that have spaces or special characters in their names, you need to enclose the filename in quotation marks:
mput "my document.docx"
This ensures that the FTP client interprets the filename correctly.

Advanced MPUT Techniques

Using Ranges to Select Files Some FTP clients support using range notation with the mput command:
mput file[1-5].txt
This would upload file1.txt, file2.txt, up to file5.txt. Executing MPUT in a Script The mput command can be incorporated into FTP scripts for automation:

ftp -inv $SERVER << EOF


cd /remote/directory


mput *.data


This script will establish an FTP session, disable prompts, upload all .data files, and then exit.

Platform-Specific Considerations

Windows FTP Client The Windows command-line FTP client supports mput with most standard wildcards. For example:
ftp> mput C:\Users\username\Documents\*.docx
Linux/Unix FTP Client On Linux and Unix systems, the mput command can typically use the full range of shell wildcards:
ftp> mput /home/username/documents/*.{txt,pdf}
This would upload both .txt and .pdf files from the specified directory.

Troubleshooting Common MPUT Issues

Files Not Found If mput reports that files cannot be found, verify that: - You are in the correct local directory - The wildcards match existing files - You have read permissions for the files Server Rejects Files If the server rejects the upload, check: - If a file with the same name already exists - If you have write permissions on the server - If there's enough storage space available

FTP Clients that Support MPUT

Most command-line FTP clients support the mput command, including: 1. Standard command-line FTP clients on Windows, macOS, and Linux 2. LFTP (enhanced FTP client for Unix-like systems) 3. WinSCP (though it uses a different syntax in its command line mode)


The mput command is an essential tool for anyone who regularly transfers multiple files via FTP. By mastering wildcards, understanding how to handle file names with spaces, and learning how to automate the process, you can significantly improve your file transfer workflow. Whether you're a system administrator backing up data, a web developer updating a site, or a business user sharing reports, the mput command provides a flexible and efficient way to upload multiple files in a single operation.